Translating Lockpoint
Cenote Lockpoint is currently available in the following languages:
- English
- German
- Japanese
- French
- Russian
If you would like to use Lockpoint in your own language, you can now help us do that through our user-supported translations site. In addition, we encourage users to contribute fixes to correct any inaccuracies in existing translations, and to update the translations as new features are added.
Cenote Translations Site
Cenote Translations is a site that allows end users to supply translations for Lockpoint in various languages. Translations supplied using this method will be collected by Cenote and included in subsequent releases of the product. The site allows you to easily translate the entire product, and it supports an easy web-based interface for updating each string.
The Cenote Translations site is currently configured for a limited set of languages, but it supports many others.
If your desired language is not yet listed, please contact us and we will be glad to add it.
To use the Cenote Translations site, follow the steps below:
- If you do not already have an account, you must first sign up.
- Once signed up, go to Cenote Translations to log into your account.
- Click the "Cenote Lockpoint" project.
- Select a language.
- Start translating.
- Once you are done, let us know and we will be happy to include your work in the next version of Lockpoint.
We are often able to supply a recent build of Lockpoint that includes your translation, without your having to wait for the next major release. If you have put a lot of effort into a translation and you want to see it live, please let us know and we will try to accommodate you.