
on mission-critical Confluence attachments without fear using Lockpoint

Cenote® Lockpoint provides check in/out of Confluence attachments for exclusive editing and controlled change management.


Lock files for your exclusive editing from anywhere you use attachments.


One click automatically locks and opens attachments with Edit in App on Server/DC.


Seamless integration with Gliffy on Server/DC.

How does it work?

Cenote Lockpoint provides check in/out of Confluence attachments for exclusive editing and controlled change management.

On Server/Data Center, Lockpoint is integrated with the "Edit in App" feature and attachments are automatically locked and unlocked while editing.

Edit attachments securely from anywhere—including from the Attachments macro, the Attachments page, and wherever attachments can be modified.

Trial & Purchase

Cenote Lockpoint is available with a 30-day, no-questions-asked free trial directly from the Confluence App Manager.

Quotes, orders and licensing of Lockpoint are handled exclusively by Atlassian through the Atlassian Marketplace.

For pricing details, see our Pricing Resources.


General documentation for Cenote Lockpoint for Confluence Cloud.

Lockpoint Cloud documentation

Lockpoint Server/Data Center documentation, plus useful resources and guides for admins.

Lockpoint Server/DC and general documentation


Need to communicate with us about sales, technical support, bugs, feature requests, or reseller inquiries? We’ll get back to you within one business day.

  • US/Canada: (855) 320-6100
    International: +1-514-534-0260
  • 9 am - 5 pm Eastern Time
  • CP 83643 CSP Garnier
    Montréal, QC H2J 4E9


Cenote® is a software design company based in Montréal, Canada. Cenote is focused on the Atlassian ecosystem and it has thousands of industry-leading customers from around the world.

Cenote was founded by Scott Dudley in 2018. Scott brings with him a decade of expert Atlassian experience and he is the author of a number of award-winning apps for Atlassian products.